Priapus Shot

P-Shot or Priapus Shot takes PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) from one’s blood and injects it into one’s penis. This process is supposed to provide better erections and increase tissue growth. In addition, PRP or Platelet-rich plasma is a process or a way to promote healing and increase strength when injected. The idea is that injecting PRP inside damaged and torn tissues will stimulate the body to grow new, healthy cells and promote healing. In addition, researchers think that the body tissues may heal faster, as the tissue growth factors are more concentrated in the prepared growth injections.

What exactly is P-shot ?

P-Shot (Priapus Shot)
P-shot is an injection of platelet-rich plasma into the penis. This procedure is performed to increase one’s sexual performance or overcome ED (Erectile dysfunction).
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to keep the penis erect or the inability to get an erection. Erectile dysfunction is often associated with old age and can be caused by several reasons like obesity, diabetes, sleep disorders, and heart disease. But it is treatable, and the P-shot is one of the possible treatments. Why does one need to take the Priapus shot treatment?

There might be a decrease in sex drive and lack of sensation due to any concerns. So P-shot can help with that.

Other health concerns that this treatment can help with are

Not able to get penile erection

To stay erect for a longer period

Low sex drive

Length and girth of the penis
premature ejaculation
insufficient stamina
suffering from Peyronie’s Disease
Benefits of the P-shot procedure

Patients have reported the following benefits of P-shot

Increase in blood flow and nerve circulation to the penis
Increase in intensity and strength of orgasms.
Penis sensitivity and libido have increased
It is synergistic with testosterone therapy

premature ejaculation Peyronie’s Disease is treated by it

It is a solution for lichen sclerosis

Increased up to 10 to 20 % in the length and girth of the penis and improving the appearance

Increased sexual health and sexual function

The Priapus Shot® procedure is a quick, usually painless, 20 minutes, non-surgical procedure. The Priapus Shot® procedure begins with numbing the penis and then a simple blood draw. Then, using a proprietary technique, platelet rich plasma is extracted from the blood and injected into the shaft & into the head of the penis. There is no recovery time and results are almost immediate in some men. Full results appear in 2-3 months.